






  1. クライアントは以前からお世話になっていて、友達といえるほど親近感を覚える人だから。
  2. クライアントの研究テーマが自分のものと被る部分があり、興味深かったから。
  3. インタビューの趣旨を聞いて、なんとなくできるかなと判断ミスをしたから。


  • 通訳者は黒子のように目立ってはならないのに、インタビューを受けている人に対して「なるほど」と相槌を打ってしまった。
  • 英単語が瞬時に出てこず、詳しいところまで通訳できなかった。
  • ところどころ同時通訳を試みたことで、言葉が聞き取りにくくなった。
  • クライアントの質問も的確に通訳できなかった。
  • 「あー」とか「えー」といった言葉が多すぎた。














Sure! Here’s a revised version with those suggestions in mind:

Navigating Imposter Syndrom: My Journey with Interpretation

I struggle with imposter syndrome.

Imposter syndrome refers to the psychological phenomenon where one feels increasingly insecure as others’ evaluations rise. The term “imposter” means fraud, and it describes a state where I feel like a fraud, worrying that others will eventually discover my incompetence. While I am surprised by the high evaluations I receive from others, I fear that I may only be deceiving them temporarily before being exposed.

Let me share a specific example. I was asked to interpret between English and Japanese—a task I find challenging—and ended up feeling disappointed by my performance. For the past few years, I have turned down all work related to interpreting because I realized I am not suited for it, especially given my ongoing treatment for a mental health disorder.

As a former workaholic, I have forced myself to take time away from work to adjust to activities outside my comfort zone. I have been challenging myself to “decline” tasks, which I find particularly difficult. So, why did I accept this particular request? There are three reasons:

  1. The client is someone I have known for a while and feel close to, almost like a friend.
  2. The client’s research theme overlaps with my own, making it intriguing.
  3. After hearing the purpose of the interview, I mistakenly thought I could manage it.

As a result, I delivered a poor performance during the first interview. Specifically:

  • An interpreter should remain in the background, yet I found myself responding with “I see” to the interviewee.
  • I struggled to recall English words quickly, failing to provide detailed interpretations.
  • Attempting simultaneous interpretation made it difficult for others to understand.
  • I was unable to accurately interpret the client’s questions.
  • I used filler words like “um” and “uh” far too often.

It was a disaster. Fortunately, I recorded the audio, so I have been transcribing and translating it at home to ensure I cover everything, but I feel incredibly embarrassed. The first day was slightly easier because the individual artist spoke slowly.

What terrifies me more is the upcoming interpretation next week. The participants will be two corporate executives, and conversations at this level are even more challenging, increasing my anxiety. The more I research, the more frightened I feel.

One executive speaks clearly and is quite talkative. I lack confidence in keeping pace with her. The other has studied at an American university and lived abroad for several years, making him more fluent than the average person. There’s no doubt my incompetence will be exposed.

I have been using AI to translate everything they share online and listening to it through AI-generated audio while also translating on my own to identify tricky vocabulary. While this training is useful, I am uncertain how much improvement I can achieve in just one week.

I emailed the client expressing my concerns about the upcoming interview and asked if we could discuss it over a call. Although the client was traveling and unable to talk, she replied that my email had caused her some stress. I feel remorse for putting her in that position.

I considered introducing her to a fellow interpreter, but while waiting for a response, that interpreter also turned out to be unavailable. Ultimately, I had to resolve this on my own. Still, I genuinely feel incapable of performing the interpretation.

I bought a voice recorder, thinking I could record the interview and translate it later instead of interpreting on the spot. This way, the interviewee can respond more easily, and I won’t waste time with my inadequate interpretation. I plan to propose this idea to the client.

However, today I am feeling fatigued and unfocused because of my period. Writing this blog is the best I can do at the moment.

What’s puzzling is that the client doesn’t seem to view my work as “terrible.” I have interpreted for her in the past, and I’m surprised she chose to reach out to me again. Her reply about feeling “a little stressed” when I expressed my concerns about next week’s interview suggests she still relies on me.

I genuinely struggle to understand this. There are many people who can interpret better than I can, so why choose me? Perhaps it’s simply that there are no alternatives available to her. If that’s the case, I should have introduced her to someone more capable, but I regret not doing so.

This lingering feeling that everyone is unaware of my incompetence and that it will eventually be discovered has haunted me for as long as I can remember. I am still navigating this struggle, but I am determined to face the challenge and grow from it. I also want to explore how my childhood upbringing has contributed to these feelings, shaping my perceptions and reactions to failure.
